
Honestly, I don't know why these people interest you. If you've read the series, you ought to know who everyone is. Beyond that, you're just being nosy. Whatever. Have some dossiers.


Name: Pangia "Gia" Iringa
Age: 25 (volume 1)
Height: 5' 11"
Build: average build, but tall
Hair: golden blond
Eyes: deep brown
Short visual description: very physically fit
Nature: sharp, cleverly inventive and resourceful
Demeanor: unconcerned, ever-watchful, reliable
Family: Aegis (father), Athena (mother)
Ideal occupation: palace guard, like her dad
Talents: uncommon strength for a woman of her proportions
Habits: staring - or zoning out
Hobbies: stretching, shopping, playing some game or another
Likes: romance novels
Dislikes: books by people who don't know how to write an ending and rely too heavily on grotesque violence and twisted minds to sell their nonsense
Favorite entertainment: reading, watching others play games and calling out what they're doing wrong
Least favorite entertainment: homework, required reading
Favorite food: cheese ravioli, tortellini, or stuffed shells
Least favorite food: white chocolate, or white chocolate that passes itself off as vanilla
Favorite color: yellow
Least favorite color: rose
Little known fact: Somehow always managed to weasel her cousins into doing her chores while growing up.
Most likely to spend money on: take-out food, new sappy romance novel
Weapon of choice: bow, axe
Magic: (none)