
This is a map of our world. If you would like to see a map of the area we frequent, click here.

Travel between continents is very rare in this day and age because of the methods of transport available. While standard sailing ships and air ships are certainly capable of such voyages, our oceanic weather systems are not like the ones of your time. Partially due to our global ecology, and partially due to wild beasts that live in the open sea, it is far too dangerous to undergo trips too far away from one's country of origin. Only the bravest voyagers from some areas that are local to one another (as where Fortite nears Yavantos, or where Australis Infractus nears East Oriens) dare to attempt trips back and forth on a regular basis. For those trips, there are established safe-routes.

World Map

world map


Mountains divide the peoples from the east and west coast of the continent of Fortite. Off to the west, a particularly advanced city-state decided to remove themselves from the confines of the planet and now occupy an island floating in the lower atmosphere. Technically, though, Coeli is still considered part of the Fortite continent. The southern portion of the continent is marshy and full of wild life. It has a moderately active ring of volcanoes that seem to have strange effects on any magics performed there. The northern part of the continent is under the reign of the kingdom of Glacia. They once sought to make territories of the entire continent, but away from their native element of ice, their magic strongly diminished. Foreign affairs keep them occupied these days and less concerned with expansion.


(The "Y" is pronounced as an "H".) The southern continent of Yavantos is best known for its tropical exports for drinks and sweets. The continent was under the reign of a tenacious country from the Draconic Islands for a while, but when the civilization mysteriously died out, the name "Yavantos" stuck to the continent. (It is suspected that the Yava island ruled for so long that the older name for this continent was simply forgotten and lost to the ages.) The northern portion of the continent remains mostly forest and historic area. The middle and southern regions of the continent are loosely under the reign of the kingdom of Tsinling. They oversee almost all shipping in and out of the continent, save for the farms in the far north, who easily trades with North Fortite with minimal interference.

Draconic Islands

Named for their peculiar formation shape, the Draconic Islands rose out of the sea about a millennium ago. Several civilizations emerged as powers to be reckoned with near the beginning of their history, however after five hundred years or so they all started to dwindle and disappear. Due to nasty environments and the savagery of the native beasts, very little is known about the islands these days because, frankly, people are too afraid to go there. If any of the old-world civilizations remain intact, they keep to themselves.


The wild continent of Solicis is a peculiar mixture of graveyard and wildlife reserve. Beasts great and small wander the land freely, but there are large sections that are nothing by decimated ruins surrounded by seas of sand. Once a multitude of great nations lived in the north of the continent, but time and war has seen to all of their destruction. Newer, smaller settlements have sprung up in the last few decades, focusing on simple living that follows sources of food or local resource deposits. A few kingdoms from West Oriens have moved south to try turning the land into something habitable again, but their efforts remain localized.

West Oriens

West Oriens was once a large land mass occupied by a multitude of various magic users. Time and wars did damage to the continent, though. One of the larger kingdoms, toward the north-western coast, sank and is rarely heard from. A section in the middle of the continent was turned into an archipelago of smaller, albeit still magically inclined nations. They might be a force to be reckoned with, if they could unite. The kingdoms to the south of the continent used to seek more territories by means of expansion, but have since ceased and have turned instead to means of internal growth. Some of the finest works of art, literature and magic still spring forth from this cradle of civilization.

East Oriens

East Oriens is about as diverse as North Fortite in the sorts of peoples who live there. Some sections are entirely agricultural, others focus on trade, still more focus on production of things like ships and large coaches, and a few areas retain a degree of religious fervor. Depending on where you go in the country, you can find good prices on herbal remedies, magic potions, tomes, maps, or other archaic items. One of the kingdoms to the south of the continent is famous as being the most closely compacted, highest population kingdoms in the world, and is famous for their trading industry. The far east of East Oriens is split between being a historic reserve and a floating city that is so advanced technologically that it rivals Cyber Connection (in North Fortite).

Australis Infractus

It is unknown how the southland of Australis Infractus became such a peculiar land shape, but the locals persist in claiming that the large Flaming Sea used to be raised as part of the main continent. Today, only Ayers Island remains to support evidence that the two sections used to be more connected. The land exports to East Oriens frequently as means of trading with the outside world, and occasionally to North Forite when ships are brave enough to cross the ocean.


Little is known about the mysterious sunken island of Atlantis. Stories from various explorers and adventurers persist that a very politically and magically advanced kingdom thrives below the surface of the ocean, protected by a magic similar to that invoked by the sunken Tara kingdom of West Oriens. However evidence to these claims remains vague. So while acknowledgement that something large exists there, it is unclear who or what they are.

South Wastes

The South Wastes are exactly what they sound like; a southern, icy wasteland. A few cold-weather creatures inhabit the area, but no populations have been known to take up residence there. Glacia (of North Fortite), and Lyodica (of northern East Oriens) have both attempted to colonize areas there, but lack of sufficient supplies keep the expeditions short and not very effective at expanding either kingdom.